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If you’re an LGBTQ+ person, your sexuality and gender might be completely unrelated to the reason you’re looking for counselling, but it’s essential to know that I will accept and respect these parts of you. I affirm diverse sexualities, genders and relationship styles.  You are invited to be your whole, uncensored self in a safe and confidential space. 

That being said, gender and sexuality can form a big part of identity and those who don’t fit society’s heteronormative ideal can come up against more challenges. Those who identify as LGBTQ+ can be seen as ‘different’ by some, facing discrimination, bullying and a lack of understanding which can lead to mental health struggles.

Being LGBTQ+ does not lead to mental health problems – dealing with other people’s adverse reactions does. Because of this, those who don’t identify as heterosexual are more likely to experience mental health problems.

Speaking to a counsellor can help with some of the difficulties you’re facing, such as:

  • finding it hard to accept your sexuality
  • coping with other people’s reactions
  • low self-esteem and low self-confidence
  • fear of violence or abuse in public places
  • effects of bullying and discrimination
  • feeling as if your body does not reflect your true gender
  • transitioning